Kim “Sinki” Sinkiewicz

Never in my life have I ever met or will ever meet a person like Sinki. I think of him and just shake my head. The things he used to do would send you away with your mind boggled. Nothing he did was normal. Let’s say its your birthday. Most people would buy you a shot or something like that. Sinki got me a 6 ounce glass filled with tequila and made me chug it. He was a strong ornery stubborn person. There used to be this bar way out on the east side of Oswego that would fill any mug for a dime! We used to go there of course with a bunch of brothers and girls. We all brought our own mugs, but Sinki had his special mug. It was this huge mug that would hold at least 64 oz. The bar owner said that it wasn’t a mug it’s a pitcher and wouldn’t fill it. Sinki insisted it was his mug!…the bar owner said…well…if you can chug it…I will fill it…. No doubt we all drank for a dollar the whole night…out of Sinki’s mug. Sinki was diabetic and really needed to watch his health, but he valued having a good time more. I drove out to Regan’s Silver Lake for our graduation clam bake and had Sinki in my car. He was TOTALLY wasted and wanted me to stop so he could get out and go to the party. I said we weren’t there yet but he didn’t believe me and opened the door of my car and proceeded to put his foot and leg out the door while I was driving like 35 miles an hour. I yelled at him…CLOSE the door you fool….so he did but forgot to put his leg back in! He kept slamming the door on his leg until I stopped. He would have gotten out if I didn’t stop and convince him that we weren’t there yet. Everyone who knew him had amazing stories to tell about the time they spend with him. At a purple passion party one night, we were both blasted and we were standing outside on the porch of the fraternity house. Guys were throwing up all over the place. I was standing there with him and turned the other way for a moment to look down the block. When I turned back he was gone! In my drunken stupor I couldn’t figure out what happened, but then realized that he had fallen over the banister head first and was laying on the ground on his back face up smiling at me. I just shook my head. Sinki died in a car accident a very short time after he was married to a wonderful lady named Anne. He was hit by a drunken driver in 1980.

To add a few things and to clairify...it was "Slimey Dimey" night with the $.10 beers. We tried to cheat the bar out of our dimes was why we were using Sink's "mug" to fill ours. Cheap MF's, eh? When the bartender blew the whistle on our scheme, Sinki told him he was drinking the whole mug by himself. The bartender told him that if he would chug the pitcher on the spot, he could drink the rest of the night for free. Sinki sucked the whole freakin thing down, looked over at me with his eyes swirling around in his head, and tossed all the beer he just drank right back into the mug. All of it. Didn't spill a drop on the bar either! The bartender was so impressed he said we could ALL drink free for the rest of the night. And we did.... Sure do miss that ol' SOB. 26 years last Sept since was killed. He was 26 when it happened. I lost the only brother I ever had... I haven't heard from Anne lately, but she and the girls were doing well, and Anne's still the same beautiful, sweet girl. Miss you too, Anne Best to you and the girls when you see this one day.............
Email: jrjones@twcny.rr.com Full Name: Jamo

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