Lew “Doc” O'Donnell

Doc O'Donnell was ZXZ's advisor for many years - from the early 70's until the mid 80's his direction and wisdom helped our fraternity tremendously. Many of the brothers at that time were Communications majors and he had a profound effect on them. Al Roker considers Doc to be his mentor and we are proud that he was an honorary brother and our advisor for so many years.
Joe Busa

Doc was a great guy. The first time I saw him was when he played “Mr. Trolley” on the locally broadcasted kids’ TV show Magic Toy Shop here in Syracuse, circa 1965. He used to wear a helmet in the shape of a trolley and tell stories to the kid viewers. Years later at the ZXZ smokers, I’d remind him of it, more as an expression of appreciation than anything else, but he used to hate it, as if he were found out, ha ha. “It bought a lot of whiskey and cigarettes” he used to say. He was great to talk with because he had so much knowledge and was willing to share it. I could never figure out why he was a Zeta advisor for as long as he was. What did he continue to see in us? He’d come to the occasional ZXZ Sunday meeting, and have to practically cover his ears for half of it, while we went ahead and planned outrageous and potentially career-ending parties (see “Spring 1982 ZXZ lawn party”, or “any open or closed smoker”). He, along with Don Harrison, did help steer us successfully through that sometimes difficult period when we came under the increasing scrutiny of the City, who became very interested in revoking our zoning permit, sometimes keeping us from shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot. His input was always valuable, though we didn’t often recognize or even acknowledge it at the time. (see :“Wells Administration, Spring ’84), ha ha Man - its been an incredible year publicity wise for SUNY/Oswego, what with record-setting snowfall at the top of the year (picture 12 feet of snow in 10 days if you possibly can) making national headlines, a Division III National Championship hockey team,and now Al Roker bringing his 30 million daily viewers to campus on the Today show. I bet Brockport ain’t getting this kind of press.
Mark Wells

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